The first in my "Birth Stories" series, this lovely (large) piece is painted acrylic as a resist behind stain and gold paint.
Captured by Belle Verdiglione, this beautiful, unplanned, unassisted birth was attended by the doula and baby's father. Baby was born with a nuchal hand a "necklace" of cord as well! The relaxed and welcoming gestures of the hands embracing this baby earthside is what really "makes" this composition.
I've always been in awe of that moment just before baby is born, where they're held between worlds.
Lilith, first wife of Adam in the Bible. Cast out because of her fierce power, sexuality, and refusal to submit to Adam as having authority over her.
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Stay Woke - Aromatherapy Locket
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Submerge, reflect, reshape, cultivate, emerge.
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Stay Woke - Aromatherapy Locket
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This piece is meant to be a response to all those "Why on earth would you not get an epidural/give birth outside a hospital/choose a midwife/etc" comments.
Childbirth can be one of the most amazing, rewarding, heart-opening experiences. A woman goes through the challenging yet euphoric journey of labor, works with her baby, and together they emerge as a new creation. Oxytocin levels will never be higher for that mom and baby then at the moment of birth. This is birth how it is meant to be.
A huge thank you to my doula clients and midwife Sarah Stone at Mountain Midwifery Center for allowing me to use their birth photos as reference! It was such an honor to be at their birth.
Only a few left!
This mandala was inspired by a quote from a Rumi poem:
"And don't think the garden loses its ecstasy in winter.
It's quiet, but the roots are down there, riotous."
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Rage Against the Dying of the Light
Pen and ink, watercolor, colored pencil
Form Is Ecstatic
There is a shimmering excitement in being sentient and shaped.
The caravan master sees his camels lost in it, nose to tail, as he himself is,
his friend, and the stranger coming toward them.
A gardener watches the sky break into song, cloud wobbly with what it is.
Bud, thorn, the same.
Wind, water, wandering this essential state.
Fire, ground, gone.
That's how it is with the outside.
Form is ecstatic. Now imagine the inner: soul, intelligence, the secret worlds!
And don't think the garden loses its ecstasy in winter.
It's quiet, but the roots are down there riotous.
If someone bumps you in the street,
don't be angry.
Everyone careens about in this surprise.
Respond in kind.
Let the knots untie, turbans be given away.
Someone drunk on this could drink a donkeyload a night.
Believer, unbeliever, cynic, lover, all combine in the spirit-form we are, but no one yet is awake like Shams.
-Rumi (from the book, Soul of Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks.)
Especially now in 2017 when our environment is under serious threat we need to connect with the earth. Our bodies are a part of the earth. We get everything we need from Her. Our bodies become the earth. Our bodies grow and feed our children. We cannot separate ourselves from Her.
Pen and ink, watercolor, colored pencil, metallic paint on layered illustration board
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Áine - Goddess of Summer, Love, Wealth, and Sovereignty
Represented by midsummer, the sun, and sometimes a red mare.
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Stay Woke - Aromatherapy Locket
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The ropes, unbound, tell a story.
(Shibari - the art of Japanese bondage)
Other Products:
Stay Woke - Aromatherapy Locket
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